J’adore Printemps!
More than 4 years ago, I was walking alone in one of the European capitals, a man turned around and said in his own language, “I adore spring.”
After a slight pause, we made eye contact and smiled gently. Yes, we could notice it because in those days, no one had to censor(!) their face with a mask.
After that, it remained on the side of my mind in a way that was not very understandable. We react to events and situations not in a timely manner, but sometimes at an unknown future time.
While on the train with Hedgy one day, he and I looked at the sea that suddenly appeared after terrible sights. “Sea!” in that language. I said.
It had become a simple routine for Piggy. As the days progressed, we kept calling stations and each other “Sea” in different languages, while Hedgy was responding in different languages and inventing funny and meaningless names.
A movement weaved through the years can enable conscious or unconscious beauty as long as we don’t stop believing in positive energy and spreading it.
1st of September, 2022